Enhanced Community Pharmacy Services Fellowship

The Lloyd L. 拼搏体育格雷戈里药学院很高兴提供加强社区药房服务奖学金. 该培训计划旨在为研究员提供以社区为基础的加强药房服务. 完成本课程的学员将有机会提高临床实践技能, develop skills in implementing clinical services and practice-based research, engage in entrepreneurial and business management activities, and gain experience in teaching student pharmacists. This program is 12 months in duration. PGY1社区药房实习经验优先,但不是必需的. The fellow must also be eligible for licensure in Florida. 任命包括PBA福利,有竞争力的津贴和专业发展基金.


拼搏体育是一所以基督为中心的大学,注重性格的形成. The Lloyd L. 拼搏体育的格雷戈里药学院旨在培养药学专业的仆人式领导者. 这个以信仰为基础的项目将药剂师作为职业内的仆人领导者,并为从业者提供独特的机会和经验,以社区为基础的药房设置. The fellow will receive an appointment as an instructor of pharmacy practice. 研究员可以选择在药学院完成教学证书课程.

亚特兰蒂斯药房是一家独立的社区药房,位于肯尼迪医疗中心以北一个街区, 拥有486张床位的急症医疗和外科设施,提供包括心血管护理在内的全面服务, orthopedics, behavioral health and emergency services. 药房的使命是与医疗保健专业人员合作,为所有患者提供最佳的药物护理. The pharmacy delivers comprehensive MTM services that include INR check, BP monitoring, diabetes care, and medication reviews. In addition, JFK医疗中心和JFK内科和教师实践与药房合作,为患者带来积极的结果. 亚特兰蒂斯药房是佛罗里达州社区药房增强服务网络(CPESN)的成员,Erin Dorval(导师)是佛罗里达州CPESN的杰出人士和付款人参与专家.


The Prescription Shop of Stuart is an independent, locally owned pharmacy that has served the Treasure Coast for over 56 years. 斯图尔特处方店的团队旨在让每个病人都感受到他们像家人一样被照顾. Prescription Shop of Stuart offers numerous clinical services, including: patient-centered medication dispensing, free home delivery, medication synchronization, medication therapy management, immunizations, non-sterile compounding, durable medical equipment, diabetes supplies, and health screenings. Additional areas of interest for the pharmacy include diabetes education, long-acting injectable antipsychotic administration, chronic care management, and test-and-treat for influenza and streptococcus infections. Stuart的Prescription Shop是CPESN Florida的成员,Kimberly Jones(药房老板)是CPESN Florida的杰出人物.


Program Structure

Patient Care (65%): 该研究员将为两个创新的社区药房合作伙伴提供直接的患者护理-亚特兰蒂斯药房和斯图尔特处方店. Patient care services include, but are not limited to, patient-centered medication dispending, comprehensive medication review, immunizations, medication synchronization, and point-of-care testing. 额外的病人护理机会可以在药房实习地点提供.

Leadership and Management (15%): 该研究员将获得与临床服务战略规划和实施相关的基本技能. 学员将有机会参与创业活动,学习企业管理. 该学员将在日常活动中表现出有效的自我管理和时间管理能力. 该研究员将通过学生药剂师的指导和与其他医疗保健提供者的合作,运用个人领导优势. 该研究员将探索州和国家专业协会的领导机会. 该研究员将有机会与CPESN佛罗里达的杰出人士和网络促进者进行交流.

Advancement of Community-based Practice and Improving Patient Care (12.5%): 该研究员将积极致力于改善现有的强化药房服务或在合作伙伴药房实践现场实施新的强化药房服务. 该研究员将制定并执行临床服务的商业计划以及实践现场的相关政策和程序. 该研究员将有机会培训或指导CPESN佛罗里达药房实践转型倡议和/或临床服务的机会出现. The fellow will conduct a practice-based research project, including design, implementation, data collection, data analysis and dissemination.

Teaching, Education, and Dissemination of Knowledge (7.5%): 该研究员将提供口头报告和书面材料(通过CPESN佛罗里达)药剂师. 该研究员将提供在职演讲,以培训内部团队成员, external team members, and community partners. 该研究员将有机会在PBAU课程中进行教学教学. The fellow will employ effective precepting and feedback to students. In collaboration with academic and practice partners, 该研究员将通过演讲和/或出版物传播基于实践的研究的最佳做法和结果.

Program Application Materials

候选人必须拥有药学博士学位,目前在佛罗里达州有执照或有资格获得执照. Application materials should be received no later than January 6, 2023.  Applications will be reviewed until positions are filled. Application materials should be emailed to the contact below and include:

  • Letter of Intent: 描述你攻读这个奖学金的原因,以及完成这个项目将如何帮助你实现职业目标.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Essay: 包括对以下每个问题的回答(最多三页).
    • Articulate your vision for community-based pharmacy practice.
    • 描述你的个人优势,以及你将如何利用这些优势来推进你的职业发展.
    • 描述一下你的修行哲学,以及这是如何在你的日常活动中体现出来的.
  • References: 三封推荐信(由推荐信作者直接寄给下面的联系人,与上面的材料分开)
  • Transcript (可与上述材料分开,直接发送至以下联系人)